Sunday, April 22, 2007

Modern technology has not always improved the quality of people's lives.

The introduction of technology a few decades ago has indeed brought about a significant change in the lives of people, however its advantages have not always been experienced by everybody.
In many countries all over the world, people have yet to taste even the most basic technology such as lighting. Although modern technology has developed in some parts of the world, there are still millions of people whose lives have not changed simply because the country does not have the capital to introduce technology to their villages. In certain parts of China and Africa, villagers are not even guaranteed proper lighting and a constant supply of water as the countries are too big and governing it is extremely challenging. During the night, many of these villagers wander around in total darkness as there are no electrical cables linked to the villages. This has made life extremely inconvenient for the people who live there, as their basic necessities are not even provided for them.
Medicine was discovered in order to cure diseases and sicknesses in the past, and it can be used in many different ways to treat people. Technology has allowed the development of medicine and countries pump in millions of dollars each year for the research of new antidotes to cure diseases. However, since its introduction many people have neglected its benefits and chose to misuse medicine. Cocaine was previously used as an anesthetic while people underwent operations as it helped to numb the pain experienced. Nowadays, drug addicts pay large sum of money to buy cocaine to experience the feeling of getting "high". There have even been articles of teenagers taking an overdose of panadol, which is primarily used to cure headaches, as a form of drug addiction. All these different types of medicine when consumed inappropriately, only damage our bodies and lower the quality of our lives.
Nonetheless, people have also benefitted from modern technology. Without it, the world today would seem devoid of living and very dull indeed. Since Thomas Edison invented the light bulb a few decades back, its advantages have helped mankind in many ways. For example, without it we would find it inconvenient to do anything when night falls as light is essential to all of us. Communication was also introduced with the invention of the first telephone by Grahan Bell and this made long distance calls possible. Previously, any form of communication required the writing of letters from one person to the other and the letters were then sent by ship, which would take weeks or even months for the other party to receive the information.
Travelling has also been made much easier with the invention of cars and planes, and it no longer takes days to get from one end of the world to the other. A flight would get you halfway across the world in a matter of hours, and this makes travelling much more convenient and safe. Although medicine when used in an inappropriate manner can be fatal, its advantages has improved the quality of life. Without it, people would fall sick without being capable of recovering and many sicknesses such as flu which were seen as fatal in the past, can now be cured ina matter of days. The research of medicine has no doubt brought up the standard of our lives, as we are now able to conquer and overcome most of the diseases by simply popping a pill into a mouth. More complex diseases or illnesses might require surgery, but still the introduction of medicine has helped us fight the bacteria in our body.
Even though modern technology might not have improved the quality of everybody's lives due to certain restraints, it's introduction has no doubt been a blessing to all mankind.

Sunday, April 15, 2007

is the idea of having one partner for life still a realistic one?

Having one partner for life is never easy, this requires a lot of committment and trust from both parties and the idea of staying faithful to that sole person can sound daunting to many. When we are attracted to someone of the opposite sex based on physical appearance, our mind immediately tells us that we've find the right person all because of how they look like. But whether we like that person based on his/her character is a totally different story.
As we get to know each other better, we start to discover each other's strengths and flaws. It could be a bad habit like constantly playing with their hair that puts us off or a turn on by the way that person always smells. Having one partner for life means waking up everyday next to that person, even though there might be certain points that never fail to irritate you. To some people, the idea of spending the life with someone sounds like a chore and during some phases in life, it can be. Our human behaviour is always craving for changes around us, and to be glued to one person till the day we day might send the hairs on our hands standing.
However, having one partner for life is not all that bad. Choosing that person might require time, and getting to know that person and trying to get that person to take notice of you might take an even longer time. But should all the hard work pay off, that sense of satisfaction will no doubt taste very sweet. Some people might think that having one partner for life means sharing almost every single problem with that person, and in some cases that person might be the problem. But nobody ever mentioned anything about the relationship going to be a smooth sailing one or free from problems. These problems only serve to strengthen ties between both parties, and make them even more closely knitted to one another. When a problem arises, it is able to see how strong a couple is, should they choose to break up after a minor argument, it really tells us how committed they are to one another.
Marriage is all about trust. Both partners have to trust each other and have faith in one another in order for things to work out. Sometimes, insecurities might creep in, and this only serves as an alarm bell for the other party to reassure him/her that things will work out. It might be sending a bouquet of flowers or just a peck on the cheek that clears all doubt and convinces the insecure person that she is really cared for. Even the smallest things done can put a smile on either party.
To be committed to one another is also very important, having a partner means sticking with that person through rain or shine, even if that person looks ugly and old as they age. Without committment from either side, a relationship is sure to crumble. Both parties should be very serious about one another, and try to avoid doing things that will hurt or make the other person feel insecure. If we really love our partner, giving in to them and making them feel special does not sound that hard after all.
But the most important factor in a relationship must be love, without it no matter how much both parties try, nothing is going to be achieved. The basis for any relationship should be love, and it starts of with just enjoying each other's company and feeling comfortable with one another. Can you imagine if the sound of the other party already scares you or makes you look away in disgust? should this be the case, the relationship has already been dead and buried. When both parties truly love one another, sacrifices must be made from both of them, whether it is giving in when an argument arises or taking time from their hectic schedules to spend time with each other. This only proves to the other how sincere he/she is about the relationship and ultimately, its the tiny things done that makes the relationship work out.
Therefore, having one partner for life can sound scary, but look on the bright side of it, to be able to spend our entire life with the person we love and loves us back is really something special.

Thursday, April 12, 2007

hello my name is mark wang

this is me :)